Zero to Hero- Day 26: Mining for Ideas

Here we are at Day 26 in the Zero to Hero challenge. Almost over. 🙂

Todays assignment is to look back through your past published posts…

 What have you been most proud of? What are the common threads? Which have been most popular? Create and save at least two draft posts with ideas that come from those.

I’ve spent a little time doing that and I have to say personally I’m most proud of my political posts. That is the subject I get most passionate about in my writing. I am a very strong believer in individual liberty and it really gets me going to see how we are throwing it away here in the US. That doesn’t seem to be what attracts my readers (so far). 😉

From looking at my stats it seems that other than my home page/archives (which could mean anything) and my about page (glad people are interested in who I am and why I’m doing this), my all time favorite post is the one about the apple pie crockpot moonshine.

Maybe I need to post more ways to make home made booze? 😉

After that one, the maritime posts are getting a lot of attention. That’s great, since that’s what I do for a living and I love it. I think it’s a great lifestyle and only wish that I could sail foreign again.

Of course, that has everything to do with politics here.

Next most traffic getting area is photography. I’m happy to see that. I love to take pictures everywhere I go and it’s nice to see that other people like my pictures too.

Looks like next is everything to do with writing/blogging/zero to hero. I think that must be partly because of the concentration on checking out others blogs and commenting during the event. I hope some of those people will stick around. 😉

I haven’t done much about traveling here yet. I hope to do more on that. My recent posts on New Orleans got some interest. I do love to travel and I think it’s cool to be able to connect and compare notes. 🙂

Recommendations on food, books, music, things to do, things of interest is another area that people seem to like. I have got away from posting much of that kind of thing since I’ve been busy and the Zero to Hero posts are pretty much all I’ve been able to get done for the day.

I hope I’ll be able to get caught up at some point and get back to posting more good stuff on here, but I’ll be going back to work soon and who knows what the internet situation will be out there this time. 😉

Looks like I need to just keep on keepin on! 😉 My followers have been increasing slowly but steadily.

I passed the 200 mark of actual BLOG followers right after New Years and today I’m up to 233 (the rest are mostly Facebook friends who don’t necessarily ever look at my blog)! I only started this in mid- August 2013.

Of course I’d like to get millions, but hopefully it’ll work something like the rice on the chessboard. 🙂

5 Sky Events This Week: Mercurial Evenings, Cosmic Triangle and Lord of the Rings – News Watch

5 Sky Events This Week: Mercurial Evenings, Cosmic Triangle and Lord of the Rings – News Watch.

Sorry I’m late this week but you should still be able to see some of this stuff if you look.

Mercury will be low in the sky, right after sunset. It should be bright enough to see with the naked eye (or with binoculars). Look for it in the direction of the sunset from Jan 21 through the end of the month.

In the article, they talk about Saturn and the moon on the 23rd, but it’s likely you can still see it now. Look for it in the South near dawn.

Antares is usually easy to spot. Look for the crescent moon above the constellation Scorpio from the 26th.

Video: Yes Ma’am- Weight of the World

Here’s a video of the band I was talking about in my earlier post tonight. I saw them playing in the street as I was window shopping on Royal Street in the French Quarter (New Orleans).

It was a gorgeous Fall day and their playing was just perfect. It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. They had a bunch of people of all ages/types, dogs, kids on bikes, etc all watching, listening, dancing. It was a great experience.

I bought a CD from them before I wandered off. I really like it. They deserve more notice. The commercial stations don’t play stuff like this, but if you try you can find interesting new music like this on the radio or the internet.

In Houston, I listen to KPFT, 90.1 FM . Its listener- sponsored, no commercials. They have EVERYTHING on there. I like how they have such a huge variety. Everything from Irish music to Latino to Heavy Metal to Zydeco. You really need to go online and check out the schedule. 😉

I’m not sure what to categorize this band as. Folk? Americana? String Band? Bluegrass? Traditional? Alt Country? Blues? They could be called any of that, but the do it all well!

Check out the video.