5 Sky Events This Week: Mercurial Evenings, Cosmic Triangle and Lord of the Rings – News Watch

5 Sky Events This Week: Mercurial Evenings, Cosmic Triangle and Lord of the Rings – News Watch.

Sorry I’m late this week but you should still be able to see some of this stuff if you look.

Mercury will be low in the sky, right after sunset. It should be bright enough to see with the naked eye (or with binoculars). Look for it in the direction of the sunset from Jan 21 through the end of the month.

In the article, they talk about Saturn and the moon on the 23rd, but it’s likely you can still see it now. Look for it in the South near dawn.

Antares is usually easy to spot. Look for the crescent moon above the constellation Scorpio from the 26th.

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