Sun setting over the clouds

on the way to Boston, watching the sun set over the clouds

on the way to Boston, watching the sun set over the clouds

2013 Utne Media Awards: The Winners

2013 Utne Media Awards: The Winners.

This is one of my all time favorite magazines. Their motto used to be ‘The best of the alternative press”, now it is “cure ignorance”. I love it! They always have the most interesting articles, reviews of books, music, movies, etc. I don’t usually agree a whole lot with their writers point of view, but I always enjoy reading it anyway. (That’s a compliment)

Music Review: Stars and Satellites – Media – Utne Reader

Music Review: Stars and Satellites – Media – Utne Reader

Check it out, some cool music 🙂

Undercover Agents Infiltrated Tar Sands Resistance Camp to Break up Planned Protest

Undercover Agents Infiltrated Tar Sands Resistance Camp to Break up Planned Protest.

Here we go again. Just like usual, government agents infiltrating and spying on people where they have no right or justification to do so. Where was the probable cause for a warrant? We DO have freedom of association and freedom of speech and we also have the right to peacefully protest and petition to address our concerns. The constant spying by the government ( I refuse to call it “our” anymore since it no longer represents me at all now a days and has completely broken its contract with me -and all of us), has become the norm and somehow people have accepted it. I do not understand the complacency at all. What is wrong with people that they can’t see the danger in allowing the government to violate the constitution like this? It goes on CONSTANTLY now, they violate daily every one of the Bill of Rights except the 3rd (the one about quartering soldiers in our houses). I cheered the Egyptians for fighting for their freedoms the whole while wondering why we are not up in arms. We have a whole lot more to be angry about than they do. Yet we sit here quiet as a mouse, submitting to a strip search every time we want to go somewhere. No protests by anybody over it. I am grinding my teeth and its all I can do to keep my mouth shut so I will be ‘allowed’ to travel. By the time I get to the x-ray machine I am fuming! The TSA NAZI tells me to “have a nice day” and I tell them that’s impossible while they are violating my rights. So far, they haven’t hauled me off to prison or put me on the no-fly list but I’m sure it’ll happen sooner or later. How the hell did we ever get to this point? More important, what is it going to take to get people to do something about it????

How Robot Swarms and Cloud Umbrellas Could Help Save Coral Reefs | Innovations

How Robot Swarms and Cloud Umbrellas Could Help Save Coral Reefs | Innovations.

I don’t know if there is really anything we can do to save the reefs (other than to limit the growth of the human population on this planet- either start using birth control or find a way to put some of us on the moon). I think its sad that we all just want to live our lives the best we can and we are justified in thinking that way, but we have no sense of how we have advanced our science so much to allow us to overcome all the limiting factors on our population. We use all the benefits of modern technology and so our population has exploded. People do not seem willing to limit their reproduction to 1-2 children (at least until their economic situation improves past a certain point). I do see it starting to happen, I just hope its not already too late with so many billions of us running around already. Personally, I would prefer it if EVERY person alive on Earth could live a decent, happy, productive life with everything they need and want available to them, rather than just keep on producing more and more people just because we’re somehow special and we deserve to live more than all the other things that share the planet with us.

Why Are So Many Dolphins Washing Up Dead on the East Coast? | Surprising Science

Why Are So Many Dolphins Washing Up Dead on the East Coast? | Surprising Science.

Very sad. I hope they figure out what is happening to the dolphins. I’ve always loved seeing them out there. They always seem so happy. I always thought, if I ever got reincarnated, I would like to come back as a dolphin 🙂