JusJoJan: Drama

Starting out the new year without all the usual drama. Why? Mostly because I’ve been staying home, sticking to myself, too paranoid and depressed to go out to celebrate the holidays with everyone else.

I decided to join in on Linda’s Just Jot It January challenge again this year. The idea is just to write something (anything) every day during January. Hopefully it will be enough to start a good habit that will continue.

I’ve been trying to transition from working on the water to a more sedate lifestyle. Not by choice, but only because there has been approximately ZERO work for the last 2+ years! I’ve been trying to make a living with a more creative focus. I’ve been doing a lot of writing, photography, painting, etc.

I’d love to be able to just relax, chill out and stop worrying about all the ‘drama’ going on around me. Crazy issues always coming up with tenants, roommates, family, work (or lack of work/finances) and just the normal everyday shit going on in the world.

I wish I could just focus on one thing. Writing, for example. I’ve started a book, I’m on the last chapter, but haven’t worked on it in a couple of months now. I just can’t get motivated to write when I’m trying to deal with all the rest: how to pay the bills, crazy woman in my house (she’s gone now), finding a job, city sending me threatening letters about my properties/tenants, getting income taxes sent in, brakes gone out on my truck in the middle of Houston traffic!

Oh yeah, I’ve been having a wonderful life these last few months. But you know what? I think I would get so bored if I didn’t have all this shit going on around me. I do bring a lot of it on myself.

I grew up in a crazy house, two of them. I’m sure I would’ve been taken into protective custody if any of that had happened today. Both my parents houses were pretty wild. Constant drama at both places. My brother was lucky, he could pick and choose. He could stay at Dads where he was treated like a king, until he wasn’t. Then he would go home to Mom’s where he could do whatever he wanted.

I was stuck at my Dad’s most of the time. He was really strict on a lot of things, but very open about a lot of others. He ran a pretty strange household for back then. First of all, he didn’t work anymore. He retired in his early 30’s. Bought a bunch of property and a sailboat and got out of the rat race. I’ve always admired him for that.

He worked on his boat and rented apartments to all the ‘poor’ people in town. Our apartments were full of the local fishermen, bartenders and drunks. We had parties on the shuffleboard courts every weekend and big pig roasts in our empty lot every couple of months. Dad would have me play the piano upstairs for his drinking buddies.

Moms house was a whole different adventure. We were allowed to keep pets over there and have friends come over. We had cats, dogs, fish, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, turtles, parakeets, even a kinkajou once (that only lasted til it bit my mom real bad one night). My stepfather would hang out drinking beer and making crude comments all day while we tried our best to ignore him and stay out of his way.

Between the two of them, there was always some drama going on. I think in a way I miss all that. I try to keep my life interesting and not boring. I’m not bored often, but that’s because I always have something I should be doing. Most of those things are only because I say so.

I don’t have to write, work on my photos, paint, blog, etc. But I like to do those things and even tho they’re a lot more work than I ever imagined, they keep my busy and I still enjoy messing around with it all.

I’ve actually cut down a lot. I hardly even go out anymore. That eliminates a lot. I miss out on all of my friends, but I can’t take the chance of going out to see them any more. It’s sad, but this place is not the same anymore.

They’ve taken all the fun out of life here. All in the name of ‘safety’. Screw safety! I’d rather have a LIFE back! Stop shoving us all into tiny little perfectly ‘safe’ boxes and let us enjoy our lives. So what if we screw up occasionally? So what if we have a little accident every once in a while, that’s how we learn! That’s all part of LIFE!

Stop pretending life is about being safe, or secure. It’s NOT! Life is about taking chances, experimenting, seeing the world and everything in it, meeting new people and learning new things. None of that is about being ‘safe’!

I could do without all the drama around the issue of safety! The theatre they put on at the airports with the TSA. Geez, how long are they going to keep that up? How long is it going to take for people to wake up to the fact that none of that is anything BUT a SHOW?

I’m so tired of other people trying to control me! Aren’t you?

8 thoughts on “JusJoJan: Drama

  1. I enjoyed your take on Drama, and you are right about life being about taking chances, doing something different. How easy it is to find your rut in this life and wallow in it. As for control, I think we live in a world where authority thinks it is doing us a favour by instituting controls on us. But so often it holds us back.

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    • I agree Michael. They may think they’re doing the right thing, but it almost never turns out that way.
      I’ve become much more cynical about ‘authority’. I really don’t believe any of them think about anything but their own power anymore. Especially after they’ve been in control for a while.
      Sad, but I wonder why so many people think they ‘need’ any authority in the first place. I don’t see the necessity at all. The ONLY authority for anyone is their own conscience. No one knows themselves or their circumstances better than that individual.

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  2. Interesting childhood you seem to have had! I was a child in the 70’s, and safety standards then were obviously nowhere near as rigorous as they are now. How does that reasoning go – foolproof the world and make everybody a fool? Or maybe i just made that up. Anywhom. I have always been a big risk taker, so I can readily relate to your sentiments. And I like the dramatic ending!

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    • Thanks Julian! I appreciate your comment. I agree with your comment (made up or not). I think people need a chance to learn from their mistakes and we’ve certainly done our very best to take that opportunity away from them.
      You’ve seen those videos going around Facebook, right? About ‘how did we ever survive?” Yeah, I grew up in the 60-70s too and I really miss those days of comparative freedoms.
      Do you think the world is any better for the improved safety standards since then? I really don’t, regardless of weather the safety has actually been improved or not. I think the loss of freedoms FAR outweigh any possible good. But then that’s just my opinion, I actually value freedom and still believe that is the purpose of the American ‘experiment’.
      This country was NOT formed to ensure our safety, but to ensure our FREEDOM.
      BIG difference!

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  3. There’s this weird effect where crime seems to go up, when actually it’s the reporting of crime that goes up. Similarly maybe, the reporting of dangers goes up so it seems like a more dangerous world, necessitating more precautions (and therefore less freedom) when actually it’s the same old world. I dunno. I don’t have kids. If I did, I’d probably feel more strongly. Also I’m not a woman, so I don’t have to worry about the dangers women face everyday. It’s pretty easy for me to be relatively fearless, is my point. And free!

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    • I think there’s definitely some correlation between the reporting and what’s actually going on. I think there’s so much more coverage that many people think theres so much more crime. In fact, the statistics show that crimes have been decreasing (but statistics can be manipulated and usually are).
      I don’t have any kids either, but I see the people around me who are so protective and I’m like ‘geez, give the kids a break and leave them alone!”. I find it hard to believe (or understand) why so many parents don’t let their kids walk to school or ride their bikes. They don’t even have to go by any highways or bridges! This is not a high crime area at all, but yet parents around here insist they must drive their kids to/from school, to/from sports, etc.
      As for being a woman- yes, I have been ‘sexually harassed’ and abused. More than once in my life. It has affected my life greatly. I wish it hadn’t happened to me. I wish it wouldn’t happen to anyone else. I wish we could come up with a solution to where more men would give women the respect they deserve so we didn’t have to worry about it so much. I’d love a time to come when women could live their lives without fear of sexual abuse, and wish I had some kind of solution to offer. Times are changing here, but I wonder will they wind up better or worse?

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      • Two steps forward, one step back… I am a staunch optimist. I see plenty to worry and be vexed about, and it seems clear to me that sometimes we lose ground in important ways, but I believe the overall progress of civilization is positive. Right up until the environment we’ve wrecked kills us – lol.

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